Friday, May 22, 2015

Those pesky dandelions...

I know dandelions are a weed and most lawn lovers hate them.  My husband forbids them in our yard lol (he's a lawn natzi).  But getting up close to one is super cool.  I mean they have these curly cues that are in the center of them.  I love my macro lens because you can get really close and then zoom in once you've downloaded them.  I know, I know I'm simple.  But that's how I roll!  Enjoy!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Pregnancy Progression of Ginger

I have been working in studio quite a bit lately improving my skills.   Its been a lot of fun actually.  I have been working along side some really great photographers.  Not to mention I have a great teacher.  I was asked if I would like to shoot a pregnancy progression.  Ummm well of course I said yes.  I was asked to pick my favorite one or two so that I can repeat those for the progression images. I really love both of these and honestly can't decide which one.  For me they are quite different and different enough that they speak different things.  For me anyway :).  Nonetheless, here they are.

What a great engagement session with Jason & Pam. These two are without a doubt perfect for each other.

The big ONE! She is just too stinking adorable!

Little Audrey turns ONE!

So I wanted to add a Pinterest Pin It button to some of my photos of little Miss Audrey.  Her photos were so adorable that I hope they could inspire someone else.  So this post is my test.  I'm hoping it works!  Wish me luck.

A little something about us...

My photo
Kentwood, Michigan, United States
My husband and I have been together for twenty two years now and are still just as happy as we were in the beginning. We have similar interests and one in particular is that we love animals and taking care of them. Mike and I volunteer our time with our local Wildlife Rehab Center (WRC) rehabbing squirrels mostly. Baby squirrels are so adorable and a rare site to most. We have two wonderful children. Which most of the time they totally think their mom is a weirdo. LOL:)