Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The new stage in life???

We are currently in the process of having a new floor put in the kitchen and while everything has been moved around my husband suggests to me that maybe we could get rid of our dishwasher!  If you knew I'd cringe well you're right because I did!  I went, "huh, why?"  He said well Austin will be leaving soon and it's just going to be the two of us so he and we really wouldn't need it anymore.  Who is this guy?  I knew I would have to really dig deep to justify me keeping the dishwasher so I said, "well you know by using a dishwasher you save 30% on water compared to HAND washing".  He gave me "the look" and asked...really Mary?  Now hear me whine, but I don't like to wash dishes!  He responds with "I don't mind washing dishes".  Ugg..... I don't want to move into this next stage in life!  Nope....not ready and you just can't make me.  Not gonna do it!  I'm honestly not sure how long I can stand my ground but I am not giving up so easy!

Little Laela...

Well I opened the door to the release cage yesterday so that Laela could start venturing out on her own.  Tonight she came down one of the trees in my backyard and said hello!  I am glad to see that she is getting around okay.  She will come and go to the release cage as she pleases now until she decides that she will just stay gone.  Which normally only takes one week.  Nonetheless, she is doing fabulous and I really hope that she sticks around so that we can see her grow. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Little Laela...

Today when I got home from work I decided to put Laela out in the release cage.  She was very excited to have lots more room.  She was playing!  She was running around the cage and jumping and in and out of her house.  I could just tell she was happy.  This was a good move for her!  After she was out there I decided to take a quick photo of her and send it to Mike.  He responded with, "is that my little squirrel?"  Yup, sure is! 

Monday, May 9, 2011

Getting to know my macro lens...

 As you know my family gave me a macro lens for my birthday and I have really using it to find out what it can do.  I just LUV it and even more so now then when I first got it.  Here are a couple photos that I recently shot with it.  I love the elegant and tranquil feel that these shots give off. 

Little Laela...

Little Laela is all grown up now and should be moved to the release cage this week.  She is doing very well and it's really time for her to get out there on her own.  Now my husband on the other hand is having a hard time with letting her go.  By that I mean...when I told him today that she needs to be put outdoors his response is, "well lets wait a little bit longer until we know that the weather is nicer".   It was my intent to take her to Allegan to release her with the six squirrels that we took last week but my hubby just couldn't let her go.  So, she gets to be released in our yard.  He has grown a little too attached to Laela and it's quite funny really because he knows better!  He gets her out of her cage daily to "walk" her.  HAHA...yes, I said walk her.  He lets her climb on him while he will do things around the house.  The other night he even told me to warm her sock buddy for her so she had something warm to snuggle up to because she is by herself.  She is very fond of the big guy.  She licks him constantly.  He told me today that maybe I should be the one to put her out in the release cage so that way he wasn't the "bad guy".  I just said with a smile...Okay honey!  

A little something about us...

My photo
Kentwood, Michigan, United States
My husband and I have been together for twenty two years now and are still just as happy as we were in the beginning. We have similar interests and one in particular is that we love animals and taking care of them. Mike and I volunteer our time with our local Wildlife Rehab Center (WRC) rehabbing squirrels mostly. Baby squirrels are so adorable and a rare site to most. We have two wonderful children. Which most of the time they totally think their mom is a weirdo. LOL:)